Media operators and advertising agencies associated in professional associations jointly support the amendment to the Medicines Act, which will be voted on Friday in the plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies and which proposes to repeal the latest amendment to the law on advertising regulation.
Media operators and advertising agencies from professional associations support the new amendment to the Pharmaceuticals Act, which will be voted on at the plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies on Friday and which proposes to repeal the latest amendment to the Act on Regulation of Advertising. In the last year, the Act on Regulation ... Continue reading
The European Broadcasting Union (EBU), the Association of Commercial Television in Europe (ACT) and egta, the association of television and radio sales houses are celebrating the trustworthiness of television on the occasion of World Television Day (21 November), as declared by the United Nations. This year again, the three organisations have produced a 30-second video clip emphasising the ... Continue reading
The Association of Commercial Television (AKTV), which represents the most important operators of commercial television broadcasting in the Czech Republic, has become a new associate member of egta, the trade association of over 139 television and radio sales houses throughout Europe and beyond. AKTV will represent the Czech Republic, along with the existing egta members – broadcaster groups Nova ... Continue reading
The new Association of Commercial Television (Asociace komerčních televizí, z.s., “AKTV”), established by CET 21 spol. s r.o., FTV Prima, spol. s r. o. and Stanice O, a.s. started operating in February 2017. The principal objective of AKTV is to associate commercial TV broadcasters in the Czech Republic and collectively defend, support and promote their interests in ... Continue reading