Domestic TV stations delivered only a very slightly lower number of GRPs in the advertising TV market in Q1 2023 than in the same period a year earlier (-1.5%). Media Club and Nova Group remain the strongest commercial networks in terms of GRPs delivered.
Czech Television continued to record a share above 30 percent in March this year. The deployment of the series Odznak Vysočina or the show Superlov helped to boost Nova's prime time channel.
Czech television's stations remained the strongest TVgroup in terms of audience share in the universal audience group over 15 years old in February based on Nielsen data.
The first month of this year was a good one for news stations. Both CT24 and CNN Prima News increased their shares the most year-on-year of all domestic stations.
The Czech Television is the strongest TV group in November in the universal audience over 15 years of age in terms of all-day viewership. The position of the commercial groups Prima and Nova is balanced in this audience category.
Tomorrow night, viewers can get their first taste of what the alliance between Prima Group and American news station CNN entails. CNN Prima News will kick off its main programme before 7 p.m., followed by other programmes.