Monitored media advertising investments grew by almost a quarter year-on-year in April. Then for the first four months of 2022 they were up 15 percent, Nielsen Admosphere monitoring shows.
Total monitored advertising investments in the media for the first four months of this year are up 15 percent year-on-year, according to AdIntel's monitoring by Nielsen Admosphere. Their total gross volume exceeded CZK 30.5 billion for the period. The most significant increase in monitored advertising investments in the media was in April this year, when they showed a 23% growth.
Last year, the covid-19 pandemic knocked down advertising spending mainly in outdoor advertising, which is now the media type with the highest year-on-year growth in April (+77%). Radio (+35%) and television (+22%) also posted high increases in April, while the volume of investments in print also increased by double digits (+15%), according to the monitoring.
Thus, the monitoring data for the first four months of 2022 do not even suggest a slowdown or decline in investment in connection with the war in Ukraine, as some representatives of media operators have pointed out.

Comparison of price list value of advertising space January - April 2022 Comparison of total value of advertising space (Media type - TV, Print, Radio, OOH)
The Internet is not included in the overview because the monitoring of advertising investments only covers display advertising and video advertising and thus does not include all forms of Internet advertising. However, according to AdMonitoring data for the first quarter of this year, growth is registered in this media type as well, especially in programmatic display advertising.
Again, we would like to remind you that the data from the investment monitoring does not reflect the actual financial volume devoted to the purchase of advertising time and space. They are primarily an indicator of the development trend.