Tag: Klára Brachtlová

20. 6. 2024

Private TV stations have achieved groundbreaking preliminary rulings. Major operators have had to cut off access to several file-sharing repositories.

17. 6. 2024

The private media dont like the new proposal for a major media amendment and see the description of public service media as essential.

7. 6. 2024

Topics at Digimedia 2024 conference will be public media funding, terrestrial broadcasting, pay TV and digital networks for commercial radio.

14. 5. 2024

AKTV concluded an agreement with the operators of the Fastshare.cloud service.

27. 4. 2024

In an interview with iDnes, Klára Brachtlová, president of the Association of Commercial Television, revealed how joining the association helps TV stations and why commercial media opposed the amendment to the law that increases fees for Czech Television.

25. 4. 2024

The Association of Commercial Television celebrates its seventh anniversary this spring.

1. 12. 2023

The Czech Association of Commercial Televisions (AKTV) has won an important legal victory in the fight against piracy.

17. 7. 2023

The online repository should pay nearly a million crowns for allowing the Czech film Šarlatán to be downloaded despite repeated warnings.

29. 6. 2023

The Nova TV group has been giving rise to actions over illegal distribution of content via various repositories almost continuously. The damage caused by the illegal distribution of content amounts to hundreds of millions of crowns.

23. 5. 2023

The Association of Commercial Television (AKTV) wants foreign platforms like Netflix, HBO and Disney+ to contribute to the Audiovisual Support Fund in the same way as Czech services.

4. 6. 2021

How is the Czech economy doing? How are the most important firms in the country doing? And how do the bosses – the leaders of the firms – see the presence and future of the Czech Republic? Answers to these questions are searched in a series of interviews and articles to be found in this article.