The programme pillars of the Prima Group’s TV channels are well set and we will not change them, says new programme director Alex Ruzek.
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The programme pillars of the Prima Group’s TV channels are well set and we will not change them, says new programme director Alex Ruzek.
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The Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment (ACE) has shutdown the illegal Cima4U streaming service.
Based in Giza, Egypt, Cima4U operated 498 domains that between them attracted over 30 million combined monthly visits from 11.6 million unique visitors. The illegal service offered a VOD library of more than 165,000 movie and TV series titles in Arabic and original versions, affecting all ACE members.
“The shutdown of Cima4U is a significant blow to the entire piracy landscape in the MENA region,” said Jan van Voorn, Executive Vice President and Chief of Global Content Protection for the Motion Picture Association (MPA) and Head of ACE. “With the assistance and expertise of the Egyptian police, we have been laser-focused on criminal operators in MENA for some time and successfully shut down numerous illegal operations there in the past year alone. The sheer scale of Cima4U made it particularly notable, and this takedown proves that even the most audacious infringers will face the law.”
Fiona Robertson, General Counsel at ACE member OSN, said, “OSN continues to be committed to fighting TV content piracy in the region through technical disruptions, on-ground support, and in-market enforcement actions.” She added, “We are happy to collaborate with ACE and other members in the industry to help create awareness within our user communities.”
The impact on OSN and MBC was significant, as traffic to Cima4U originated primarily from Morocco, Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia and Iraq, major media markets for both companies.
“Combating piracy is vital for the entertainment industry as it safeguards creative content, fosters innovation, and ensures fair compensation for artists, creating a sustainable ecosystem,” said Natasha Matos-Hemingway, Chief Commercial and Marketing Officer VOD at MBC GROUP. “We are grateful for the continuous partnership with ACE in protecting our content.”
ACE’s board members are drawn from Amazon, Apple TV+, NBCUniversal, Netflix Studios LLC, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Paramount, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures and Warner Bros.
The volume of ad GRPs delivered in the TV market also remained at a similar level in 2023 as a year earlier, monitoring data shows.
Domestic TV stations delivered a comparable number of GRPs on the TV advertising market in 2023 as in 2022 (-0.73%). Media Club and Nova Group remain the strongest commercial networks in terms of GRPs delivered, while Atmedia and Česká televize posted the highest year-on-year increases of one percent last year. ATO-Nielsen data shows this.
Nova and Prima stations delivered the most GRPs last year, followed by Prima Krimi, Nova Cinema, Prima Max, Prima Cool and CT1. Televizia Seznam saw the biggest year-on-year increase in the volume of GRPs delivered.
Most TV stations also struggled to fill their advertising space last year, and not all GRPs could be placed on air due to legal limits. Thus, the number of GRPs delivered does not reflect the real demand for TV advertising last year.
Most TV stations were also struggling with the saturation of advertising space last year and all GRPs failed to be placed on air due to legal limits. Thus, the number of GRPs delivered does not reflect the real demand for TV advertising last year.
Zdroj: ATO-Nielsen, 1.1.-31.12. 2023, TV spoty a sponzoring, spočítáno pro nákupní CS uvedených subjektů, tj. ČT 15+, Media Club, Atmedia 15-69 a Nova Group 15-54
Investment in TV advertising grew over the past year, according to Ad Intel’s raw monitoring data. Data for 2023 shows an average growth in monitored TV ad investment of just under ten per cent.
In the general viewer group over 15 years of age, Czech Television stations managed to maintain the highest share of the TV market last year. However, it was mainly commercial stations that showed growth.
In 2023, Czech Television stations achieved the highest share of the TV market in the general audience group over 15 years of age. Their share of the full-day audience was 29.88%, 1.59 percentage points lower than in 2022.
In this audience group, commercial competitors performed equally well. The Prima group recorded a share of 27.56% and the Nova group 27.04%. Both improved by more than 0.6 percentage points.
In prime time 15+ as well as in the 15-54 and 15-69 audience groups, the Nova group achieved the highest share as a year ago. The latter improved year-on-year in all audience categories, with the exception of prime time 15-54, where it stagnated.
For the Prima group, the most successful viewer group was the over-15 group, where it achieved a higher share than in 2022. In the other groups monitored, it remained behind its 2022 result.
Growth in the TV market was confirmed by Atmedia last year. The thematic stations it represents gained less than a percentage point to 5.90% in the 15-69 target group. Television List also continued its growth to 1.62% (also 15-69).
Conversely, the Barrandov Group stations posted a lower share, down by more than 0.5 percentage points.
Source: ATO-Nielsen, 1.1.-31.12. 2023, TV živě+TS0-3 ke dni 2.1. 2024, změna uvedena v procentních bodech. Prime-time = 19:00-23:00
Of the individual stations, Prima Krimi improved the most year-on-year (+0.7 pp., valid for 15+, all day), which surpassed a 4% share. Other successful TV stations included Television Seznam (+0.48 pp), Nova Gold (+0.42 pp), CT1 (+0.25 pp) and CT2 (+0.24 pp), which achieved its best result since 2017.
The most watched programme of 2023 was the Christmas Eve fairy tale Klíč svatého Petra (CT1), which was watched by 2.7 million TV viewers.